Sunline Helps Joint-Stock Commercial Bank in Leading Unified Reporting System Trusted Zone Joint Testing
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In response to the new demands for data integration under the "Five Major Regulatory" and to enhance the level of intelligent regulatory oversight, the National Financial Regulatory Administration is accelerating the implementation of the Unified Reporting System pilot program. As part of the third batch of pilot banks, a joint-stock commercial bank successfully completed all interface tests ahead of schedule during the Trusted Zone joint debugging test of the Unified Reporting System, which began on June 19. This achievement, accomplished four days ahead of the deadline, sets a benchmark for the comprehensive advancement of the Unified Reporting System across the banking industry.

Sunline, the technology partner behind this achievement, leveraged its extensive experience and technical expertise in regulatory reporting to design a customized, efficient, and comprehensive Unified Reporting System solution for the bank. To ensure the system was launched on schedule and with high quality, Sunline provided dedicated support throughout all critical phases. This included initial business consulting, architectural consulting services, subsequent regulatory data marketplace transformation, reporting zone construction, trusted zone construction, and regulatory data governance. Sunline's unwavering commitment enabled the bank to swiftly build a regulatory reporting system that meets regulatory requirements and operates efficiently.


The joint-stock commercial bank excelled in this preliminary assessment, demonstrating that its Unified Reporting System met or even exceeded expectations in configuration, connectivity, security, and performance. This success signifies that the system is fully prepared for formal operation and capable of providing stable services. It also lays a solid foundation for the upcoming major trial reporting assessment at the end of July.


As the promotion of the Unified Reporting System accelerates, Sunline will leverage its strong capabilities in regulatory reporting to assist more financial institutions in achieving efficient and high-quality data reporting. This will help expedite the financial industry's transition into a new era of digital and intelligent regulatory reporting.

About Sunline

Sunline is a leading Chinese provider of banking IT solutions and services with over two decades of experience. The company specializes in delivering core banking software and solutions across the Asia-Pacific region. As a leader in scaling up capacity and creating innovations for the financial industry, Sunline has been helping banks accelerate business development to enhance customer experience and digital transformation. Since 2016, Sunline has expanded to the global market, setting up international offices in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, and the Philippines, and extending its footprint to Myanmar and countries in the Middle East. This expansion has enabled Sunline’s influence in fast-growing markets across the region.

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