Financial Management Solution Financial Management Solution
Financial Management Solution
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Solution Overview
Financial Management Solution
Combined with the practical experience in many bank cases and built based on according to the bank's actual business demands, organization structure characteristics, project construction characteristics, Sunline Financial Management Solution is a mature, complete, professional solutions to achieve ‘intelligent bank, mobile bank, bank with risk control and bank with industry and finance integration.
Scheme architecture

Solution Advantages
The most comprehensive coverage
The most comprehensive coverage
Financial Management Solution covers all the business related to accounting management within the bank, including daily expense reimbursement, fixed assets management, procurement management, contracts, entity management, etc
Intelligent account reimbursement service
Intelligent account reimbursement service
Sunline provides intelligent and efficient account reimbursement service to achieve intelligent identification and sheet filling at the employee-end, intelligent audit and allocation at the financial-end, intelligent approval and analysis at the leadership-end and comprehensively improves the account reimbursement efficiency
Advanced architecture
Advanced architecture
The product adopts advanced microservices technology architecture, which facilitates the horizontal and vertical expansion of the system and ensures the high availability and high performance of the system
Independent RandD
Independent RandD
Products with independent research and development and independent intellectual property rights can be intricately customized for customers, advocating maintaining ‘difference’ with competitors and building a management system that meets customers' strategic best
Solution Values
Business integration
Business integration
Taking reimbursement as the core, it covers all operating costs and expenses and drives financial automatic accounting by business
Financial risk control
The trinity of financial risk control, including proactive risk warning, pre-and-in-event risk control, post-risk supervision
Financial risk control
Flexible configuration
Flexible configuration
Through the online-based configuration of document template, audit rules, approval process, sharing rules and accounting rule, the differential demand, rapid application of standard development and high reusability are realized
Mobility as a Service
For businesses and leaders, Sunline provides mobility services for ticket pool, account reimbursement, business travel, inventory, approval, analysis and other services to break through office boundaries
Mobility as a Service
Combined with machine deep learning technology, Sunline provides advanced and mature finance-oriented AI applications, covering services like OCR identification, RPA, intelligent audit, intelligent sheet filling, etc
Product Composition
Financial Management Solution
Intelligent financial system
Intelligent accounting system
Lease management system (i16)
Entity management system
Equity management system
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