Sunline and SDIC Securities Collaborate to Develop a Customer-Centric ECIF
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In the journey of exploring digital transformation, SDIC Securities has consistently chosen Sunline as its partner. Since the start of their collaboration in 2021, the jointly built "Enterprise Customer Information Facility (ECIF)" has successfully progressed to the fourth phase. With every trust entrusted, Sunline has responded with 100% dedication and effort, injecting digital momentum into SDIC Securities' wealth management business.


Smoothening the Channels of Wealth Management


In recent years, the traditional business stronghold of securities firms has been precariously shaken, as evidenced by their operating results. Amid the complexity of the market, wealth management services are poised to become a new profit pillar, fueled by their stellar performance.


To satisfy the increasingly diverse needs of clients, the securities industry has reached a consensus in wealth management: shifting from an "income-driven sales model" to a "client-demand-driven advisory model." However, the inability to manage client information uniformly would hinder the smooth operation of wealth management services, rendering their growth aspirations futile.


Against this backdrop, SDIC Securities has been relentlessly driving digital transformation, actively implementing a retail-focused strategy, and continuously exploring the application of financial technology in its business areas to comprehensively meet clients' wealth needs. To further enhance client management capabilities, SDIC Securities has officially launched the "Enterprise Customer Information Facility Project," aimed at unifying client information standards, centralizing client information management, and improving data sharing, thereby strengthening refined client management capabilities and satisfying regulatory requirements.


A Complete Transition to a "Customer-Centric" Approach


Addressing SDIC Securities' urgent need to enhance client information management, the Sunline project team has tailored a real-time online customer service mechanism and, based on this mechanism, collaborated with SDIC Securities to build an ECIF. This system centralizes the registration of clients' primary information (excluding client business information), unifies identity recognition, and enables real-time sharing of key information. This drives a comprehensive transition in SDIC Securities' client management, shifting from an "account-centric" approach to a "customer-centric" one.


Establish Client Information Management Standards: 


Develop client information access and coverage principles, review client information quality check rules, unify client account opening and information modification processes, standardize client identity unified recognition standards, and clarify the responsibilities of departments that generate and use client information to ensure the safe and compliant use of client data.


Create an Enterprise-level Client View:


Rationalize the client data model, confirm the principles for merging and covering client information, achieve client information consolidation, and complete the migration of clients' primary information (excluding client business information). This provides fundamental data support for refined client management and operations.


Establish an Enterprise-level Client Information Management System: 

Set up a client information service mechanism to gradually meet the real-time and batch application of client information required by business systems. Complete the process transformation of important related external business systems to ensure the consistency of information between connected systems and ECIF.


Solidifying the Foundation of Customer Management


To safely and effectively support differentiated client services, Sunline has leveraged its industry experience to build an ECIF for SDIC Securities based on cloud-native architecture and DevOps practices. This system not only provides comprehensive upgrades in unified client information management, client data services, client data event services, and client permission management, but also further unlocks the value of client data.

Unified Data Service Interface: 


It provides real-time, comprehensive, shared, and accurate client information service interfaces for various business systems, including services such as client addition, modification, deletion, query, verification, and authentication.


Comprehensive Quality Check and Control: 


Real-time and batch verification is achieved based on a verification rulebase, and reports allow for viewing the execution of daily verification plans, summaries of daily client information compliance, and the completion status of various branches.


Strict Access Permission Management:


Permission control is implemented primarily in two aspects: client subjects (table-level) and client field information under client subjects. It also supports setting jurisdictions and business lines according to information barriers, building client information management views, and achieving permission control over client information management.


Enhanced Client Information Analysis:


It supports the import of various types of business reports, client lists, and other forms. At the same time, it provides functions such as client account opening, client information modification statistics, and client information management monitoring.


Over the past four years, every in-depth discussion and innovative spark has been a vivid portrayal of Sunline and SDIC Securities' shared journey of perseverance and progress.


This collaborative success story continues as Sunline empowers SDIC Securities to achieve efficient utilization of customer data assets. By providing precise guidance for personalized services, product innovation, market forecasting, and more, Sunline helps SDIC Securities gain a first-mover advantage in the increasingly competitive securities industry and achieve significant growth in its wealth management business.


About SDIC Securities


SDIC Securities, formally known as Essence Securities, is a leading financial institution in China that offers a comprehensive range of securities services. Renamed in 2023, the company continues to provide clients with retail brokerage, investment banking, asset management, margin financing, fixed income trading, institutional sales and trading, research and consulting, SME financing, and international business services. With a strong commitment to client satisfaction and market leadership, SDIC Securities remains at the forefront of the securities industry in China.


About Sunline


Sunline established in 2002, is a high-tech enterprise focused on providing comprehensive IT solutions and services for the financial industry. Sunline is actively expanding in the overseas market, concentrating on delivering digital core solutions and specialized services such as bank forex management to overseas financial institutions, particularly in countries along the Belt and Road Initiative like those in Southeast Asia. With its profound technological expertise and deep understanding of financial business, Sunline has become a leading fintech solutions provider both domestically and internationally. It assists clients in achieving digital transformation and business upgrades, driving the development of intelligent and convenient financial services.

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