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Sunline Wins Bohai Bank's Data Unified Service Platform Project to Empower the Bank's Big Data Services
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Sunline recently won another project to develop Bohai Bank's unified data service platform, enabling the bank to improve operational management efficiency and enabling the bank to quickly empower business scenarios.

ADGM and Sunline collaborate on the development of FinTech solutions in the Digital Lab
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he Financial Services Regulatory Authority (FSRA) of Abu Dhabi Global Market (ADGM) and Sunline Holding (HK) Ltd (Sunline) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to promote the development of ADGM’s FinTech ecosystem...
Sunline Shares Financial Applications of Kunpeng Ecosystem in Guangdong Kunpeng Ecological Partners Conference
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Guangdong Kunpeng Ecological Partners Conference was held in Guangzhou recently and Sunline was invited as an important partner to share achievements and financial applications of Kunpeng Ecosystem.

Sunline Implements a New Core for Liaoning Rural Credit Cooperative, Creating a New Benchmark for Provincial Rural Credit Cooperatives
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The new generation core busines system for Liaoning Rural Credit Corporative built by Sunline fully integrates the resources of the entire organization to successfully commence its digital journey.

Financial Technologies Empower Cross-border Treasury Management for Enterprises Going Global
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With the rapid development of China's economy and continuous promotion of the country's "Belt and Road" strategy, more Chinese enterprises have begun their expansion overseas in recent years through cross-border merge...